When you choose PCSCHEMATIC Automation, you automatic gets a Maintenance agreement, which includes:

  • Telephone, e-mail & remote support
  • Program upgrades (new versions)
  • Program updates
  • Access to the online Component portal

In countries with a PCSCHEMATIC reseller, please contact your local PCSCHEMATIC reseller for a maintenance agreement. In other countries, please make the arrangements with us at PCSCHEMATIC.

Telephone, e-mail service and remote support

Telephone and e-mail service includes answering questions and trouble-shooting concerning the PCSCHEMATIC Automation program. The telephone service will be available between 8.00 am and 3.00 pm Danish time (CET / GMT+1) – except working days between Christmas and New Year, and the week before Easter.

If our help desk is busy, or are unable to solve the problem immediately, you will be contacted as soon as possible, no later than within 8 working hours. This is also the case with our e-mail service.

When you get support, you can make it possible for our support staff to remote view what you are doing on your PC, in order to avoid possible misunderstandings. When you give them the permission, they can also remote control your PC, and show you exactly what to do in any given situation.

Program upgrade

PCSCHEMATIC A/S releases an official upgrade each year. The upgrade will be forwarded by normal mail. The upgrades will have background in suggestions and critics forwarded by Automation users.

Program update

PCSCHEMATIC A/S will on a regular basis correct bugs in the last program release. Patches are published to the Automation users via the bulit-it web information service in the Automation program. You can also download updates of the last official version here.